Going Southeast

Told You So

November 17, 2017 Comments (0) journal

What Falls Together Can Come Apart

There’s talk of a year-long moratorium on fossil fuel development in the Post of Tacoma. There is a roughly 68% public majority in favor of the idea*, and something will likely be passed this coming Tuesday by the City Council along those lines. There are those who will be unhappy with the result because it will maybe allow some expansion to current operations, and there will be others who say that a year is too long, that the idea of a moratorium creates business uncertainty and costs jobs. Others will say that all future fossil fuel development should be banned now, that the wait of a year is completely unnecessary. And there will be those who decry the overreach of militant environmentalists, snarking about the hypocrisy they see in people who drive their cars to come and complain about fossil fuels. Still others will insist that LNG be part of the discussion or even that the ICE prison should be included in getting an eviction notice.

There are, it appears, many different points of view. Agreement is is short supply.

*Completely made up. An estimation of a guess.