Stepping toward the Edge


July 28, 2023 Comments Off on Back to the World journal

Back to the World

We got back into Petersburg yesterday from the lighthouse, a quick two-and-a-half hours on Captain Rob’s jet boat but light years apart, all the same. Reentry is always difficult, and after two full weeks off the grid and out of touch, plugging back in again is a slow process.

The deposition survey at the landing was completed for the sixth straight year. I’ll have all the numbers done soon but the total weight collected off that beach this year was 64 pounds, about in the middle of the normal range. After six years, there are definitely some trends we’ve noticed in the types of debris we’ve picked up there and I am looking forward to doing the data comparison soon. Real soon.

The other number that I won’t know until I get back to Tacoma is the total weight of debris that got removed and properly disposed of. CDLS had brought a truck up on the ferry that was loaded with supplies and equipment on the way here, but was scheduled to go back mostly empty. Instead, we were able to load it to the gills with trash (and one old kayak that got a well-deserved free ride home), and get all of it back down to the lower 48. And, because there was a 6-day wait in Petersburg for the southbound ferry, the truck was the talk of the town. Scott (truck owner, driver and CDLS board member), had a grand time fielding questions and comments from tourists and locals alike for the whole time he was here.

And this morning, Leo and I were interviewed by Hannah Flor, a reporter at the local radio station, for a show that will be up next week. I think having a truckload of marine garbage makes an impact on just about everybody.

And that one truckload was only about half of the total that we were able to remove this year. Even though the volunteer roster was smaller than normal (and I have some theories about that), the work that got done was substantial and greatly needed. Thanks to Jillian, Stacia, Micah, Veronica, Scott and Sergio for making it all happen, one more time.

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