
Northwest Brigadoon

February 10, 2021 Comments (0) journal

Distract, Distort and Dissemble

One of the many cynical ways that bad environmental laws can be slimed into position is to set up a particular bill as an improvement on the status quo, say in an area like recycling requirements, and use it as a way to preclude other, better legislation from being considered later. Washington House Bill 1488 is one of these false flag exercises, and your voice would be most helpful in showing that the public is paying attention. At first glance, HB1488 might seem filled with good ideas about plastic packaging limitations and recycling requirements, but a short read will turn up a panoply of enforcement loopholes and a program set up to run on money that does not exist (and most likely never will.)

The hope of those who put this legislation together is that, if it can pass, it will kneecap the effort that is underway to enact product stewardship for packaging, due to be part of the 2022 push toward manufacturer accountability in the current plastic apocalypse. It looks like a good bill, it sounds nice, but it’s actually a clumsy legislative jiu jitsu move, trying to take advantage of environmental momentum to change its course and ultimately render it ineffectual.

Today’s the day to voice your opposition. Here’s how:

– Click here before 12:30pm on February 11
– Click on the Committee name (House Environment & Energy) and select the date: Feb 11, 1:30pm, then select the bill  (HB1488 – plastic packaging materials)
– Click on “I would like my position noted for the legislative record,” and then click CON and add your personal information.

That’s it. Should take less than a minute. Thanks!