Hardest Questions

The Point is “Sustainability”

October 29, 2019 Comments (0) journal

Some Light Reading

Sometimes you fall down a rabbit hole. Maybe not literally, but online, yeah… it’s easy to get a thought, click a few characters and links and, Voila! All the answers to your questions and then some, along with more questions that you probably never would have thought of.

“I wonder who the world’s largest plastic producers are.”
CROW’s Top 10 Plastics and Resins Producers

“How much plastic has been produced? Like, ever?
Earth Day 2018: End Plastic Pollution

How much of that plastic goes into the ocean every year?
Natural History Museum

How much plastic actually gets recycled each year?
EPA Plastics – Specific Data

And what does that even mean, exactly? Is ‘plastic recycling’ even a thing?
Forbes (Yes, Forbes. I know, I was surprised too.)

And does it even matter?

The Ikkatsu Project is not an aggregator-style site. Most of what is presented here is home-grown, with a link here and there for further perusal, but generally organic content. I don’t offer link bins like the one above often, actually never. I’m only doing it now to make a point. And to raise a question.

The point? And the question?
