The Next Level

On the Other Hand

December 5, 2018 Comments (0) journal

Playing Catch-Up

You know that thing that happens when you turn the garden hose on full blast and it starts writhing around on the lawn, occasionally rising up and spewing water out in a huge arc before coming back down and spraying all over your shorts? That’s the figurative equivalent of the Ikkatsu Project at the moment, except that instead of one hose, there are at least a half-dozen. Here’s a partial list – in no particular order – of what’s going on as this year winds down and the next one begins:

Giving Tuesday – This 2018 fundraising effort went well, and thanks to the generosity of all who contributed, planning for next year’s programs is well underway. Funding is not complete and there are still needs that have not been met, but the response was encouraging and, quite honestly, downright empowering. (If you’d like to contribute, just click on the “Donate” button on the Home Page. Thanks!)

Film Production – This is the focus of activity at the moment, not just securing the funds to get the film done, but crafting the message and the accompanying images in a way that will inform as well as entertain. “Decision” is scheduled for a May release and a celebration is anticipated. Stay tuned.

Tacoma Shoreline Survey 2.0 – The 2018 TSS was a great example of people and organizations working together to do something awesome. The entire city shoreline was surveyed for debris, observations on what and how much is out there were recorded and almost 700 pounds of trash was collected and removed by 78 volunteers. That’s a good day. The next one, on the calendar for April 27, 2019, figures to be even better.

South Kuiu Cleanup – After an enlightening and successful trip to southeast Alaska last July, we’re going back in 2019. The focus will be on completing cleanup on several beaches we hit this year, as well as on debris deposition studies and mapping types and quantities of flotsam that come ashore over a range of remote Alaskan beaches. Can’t wait.

Seventy48 – Yes, it’s back on again for 2019 and Team Basura is once again taking to the waters of Puget Sound in a long-distance paddle race to raise awareness about marine plastics. Using a real sea kayak this year instead of the literal pile of trash from 2018 and setting up to tell some great new stories, with events planned before, during and after the race.

Fresh Water Sampling – This is the 4th year of sampling for microplastics with Lakeridge Middle School students and 2019 is going to see an expansion of that program to include testing on the Carbon River and the White River, as well as new sites on the Puyallup. In terms of getting the plastics issue home to where students live, this program absolutely brings it. More to come as the year develops.

So, that’s a start. There’s more. There always is.