What fraud sounds like

Trailer time

October 10, 2013 Comments (2) journal

Raw materials

I have a couple hundred plastic 2-liter bottles in my carport. No punchline… just a fact. And I’m only about a quarter of the way to what I’m going to have in there by the end of the month. Some people collect baseball cards or antique teapots; I collect plastic bottles. Everybody needs a hobby, eh?

This coming spring, the Message in a Plastic Bottle expedition will be traveling from Olympia to Bellingham, 150 miles up Puget Sound, and the voyage is shaping up to be an excellent opportunity for collaboration with schools and community groups all over western Washington. These bottles will be cleaned and glued together as the construction of the bottle kayak begins, probably as early as next month.

Thanks to the folks at the Tacoma Recycling Center for stockpiling the empties for me… we’ll be doing some garbage audits at area schools but for 2-liter bottles, I needed to go somewhere else. Every day brings it all closer…