And then there was one…

Gear, and other stuff

March 15, 2013 Comments (0) journal

Looking forward


When we were up in Bellingham a couple days ago, we stopped into the ferry terminal in Fairhaven, just to take a look around. We’ll be leaving from there in a little over 3 months for the 6-day trip to Homer, Alaska. Just the ferry ride alone is likely to be an adventure and we are both looking forward to it immensely.

The Augustine expedition is shaping up nicely. There is still plenty of prep work to be done and pre-production items that need to be taken care of, but all things in good time, yes? I am laying out some of the micro-lessons that we’ll be filming at various points along the way, each of which will be part of the curriculum that is being developed to teach school kids about marine debris and ocean currents. (This is another layer of the project that we haven’t talked about too much yet, but we’ll get into it a little more in the coming weeks.)

Other than that, it’s just a whole lot of getting ready for the showing at the 7 Seas on Tuesday… hope to see you there (and bring some friends too.) There has been a little flurry of activity lately on our funding website… if you haven’t contributed yet but you’ve been thinking about it, please do so. It’s an incredibly easy process and we can use whatever support you are willing to give. Every bit helps to get the word out about marine debris and its effects on the beaches, the wildlife, and on the people as well. You will have our undying gratitude… seriously.